Our Home, Our Greatest Investment

Dear Little One,In the beginning of our family, when you were still in God’s mind, there was a man who loved a woman. When he finally found her in the middle of a snowstorm, he knew her immediately as the mother of all his future memories. For him, she was a...

The Family Table

Dear Little One,You are welcome at this table. Morning, noon, dinner, and snacks. You are welcome with questions. You are welcome with comments. Our table is sturdy for all that we discuss. New and scary topics. Old and comfortable ones, too. This table is our...

Real Love Podcasts

I am so drawn to the real and the raw stories about love. A romantic relationship with a life-long partner looks nothing like what I saw in Disney and Hollywood stories growing up. We all want to hear that everything will turn out great and that life is sunrises and...

The Best and Only Parenting Advice You’ll Ever Need

There is SO much parenting advice out there about every topic imaginable and conflicting opinions on every method under the sun. If you can find one specialist that says you MUST do things this way, you are certain to find an expert who claims the exact opposite. The...

Do less to gain more this holiday season

3 tips to getting more enjoyment out of your holiday season by doing less: Get all your extended family/friend gifts on Groupon. For gift giving think experiences or activities vs objects. What does the recipient like to do? Get a massage. Go out to eat. Go to the...

Colorado Springs, our new home

We are starting to get settled into our new home in Colorado Springs. I have to say, I had high expectations and so far this place is exceeding them!Five steps from our front door are trails to hike, so we hike daily.We’ve seen two double rainbows and have only...