Top 13 questions to ask when interviewing a midwife for your birth

Choosing your midwife has a dramatic impact on the way that you will experience your birth and the outcome of it. It’s so crucial to be intentional about your birth team – the people you choose to attend your birth.Here’s a list of valuable questions to ask...

Colorado Springs Birth Photographer Publications

As a birth photographer documenting families in Colorado Springs and Denver, I’ve had my work published in many magazines and newspapers, on book covers, blogs and social media accounts. I grew up hearing only horror stories about birth and messages from media and...

Nightly Words

Dear Sweet Dreamer,Our day has had its ups and downs. Big sighs, big tears, big laughs, big hugs. The world sweeps over your heart in big waves and it is my job to safely guide you back to shore. As your captain, I will lead us in preparation and take the night watch....

Our Home, Our Greatest Investment

Dear Little One,In the beginning of our family, when you were still in God’s mind, there was a man who loved a woman. When he finally found her in the middle of a snowstorm, he knew her immediately as the mother of all his future memories. For him, she was a...

A healthy mom and baby is what’s important

Whenever there is a shift in culture, there is always push back.I’m sure you’ve heard someone say it, “a healthy mom and baby is what’s important.” True. That is important. But how often do we use those words to only describe the...