Top 12 Questions to Ask When Interviewing A Birth Photographer

I’ve been a birth photographer for 9 years and more and more people are choosing to have their birth photographed! Birth is one of the most unpredictable and life-changing events for most parents, so it’s important to do research in advance and think about what your...

Top 18 questions to ask when interviewing a doula for your birth

It’s so important to be intentional about your birth team – the people you choose to attend your birth. It will have a huge impact on your birth experience and outcome. So here’s a list of valuable questions to ask your doula when you interview them, adapted...

Top 13 questions to ask when interviewing a midwife for your birth

Choosing your midwife has a dramatic impact on the way that you will experience your birth and the outcome of it. It’s so crucial to be intentional about your birth team – the people you choose to attend your birth.Here’s a list of valuable questions to ask...

Colorado Springs Birth Photographer Publications

As a birth photographer documenting families in Colorado Springs and Denver, I’ve had my work published in many magazines and newspapers, on book covers, blogs and social media accounts. I grew up hearing only horror stories about birth and messages from media and...