In a survey of a thousand families, Ellen Galinsky, the head of the Families and Work Institute, asked children, “If you were granted one wish about your parents, what would it be?” Most parents thought their kids would say spending more time with them, but they were wrong. The kids’ number one wish was that their parents were less tired and less stressed.Becoming Minimalist

It’s so true…we think our kids simply need our presence in their lives. But they need us to BE present! If we are physically around but we are stressed, anxious, depressed, or angry we are not serving them well. We can not take care of their needs if we are not taking care of our own.

I think that’s why “self-care” has become such a popular topic recently. People often use the example that you have to put on your own oxygen mask if the plane is going down before helping your kid put on their oxygen mask. 

One change I am making in my own life to help myself be a better person so that I can be a better parent to my kids: waking up earlier than them so that I can first take care of some of my own needs.

My routine: exercise, shower, devotional, breakfast. I have noticed a HUGE positive effect of this change on my attitude, how I greet my children in the morning, as well as the trajectory of my entire day. I’m able to handle all the needs, meltdowns and unexpected things that pop up much better if I first take care of my mind, body and spirit. I am a much more calm person and don’t lash out at my kids, or my husband, as much.

I would love to hear what you do to be less tired and stressed as a parent!!

Please tell me below!